Jan 07, 2011 · Incredible claims have been made about Bob Lazar for years. He supposedly is a physicist with an MS in Physics from MIT and an MS in Electronics from the California Institute of Technology. He was a “Scientist” for Los Alamos National Laboratory, and obtained a job back-engineering UFOs at a very secret site S-4 near Area 51 in Nevada

In response to questions at the “Ultimate UFO Seminar” in Rachael, NV in May of 1993, Lazar was so kind as to offer up the names of two of his instructors at Caltech and MIT, a “Dr. Duxler” as well as “Hohsfield”. He even spelled them. Jul 17, 2019 · In this video, we dissect the story that Bob Lazar has been telling everyone and why it is all one big lie. If you enjoy, please subscribe! May 16, 2019 · Thirty years ago, on May 15, KLAS-TV's 5 p.m. newscast aired a live interview with an anonymous man who made some extraordinary claims. Bob Lazar, who was being called Dennis at the time to protect his identity, alleged that the U.S. military was secretly studying alien technology out in the Nevada desert near a base that is now well known all over the world as Area 51. MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) The problems with the above: with the exception of Pierce College, an investigation conducted by Stanton Friedman revealed that not one of the schools listed above has any record of Lazar’s attendence. The Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers Documentary. The new Bob Lazar documentary is part of Corbell’s Extraordinary Beliefs film series. Through the film, Lazar’s story is artfully explored with accompanying narrative from Mickey Rourke. This is the first time in around three decades that anyone has gotten more than a peep out of Bob Lazar. Jan 07, 2011 · Incredible claims have been made about Bob Lazar for years. He supposedly is a physicist with an MS in Physics from MIT and an MS in Electronics from the California Institute of Technology. He was a “Scientist” for Los Alamos National Laboratory, and obtained a job back-engineering UFOs at a very secret site S-4 near Area 51 in Nevada

The denials of Bob Lazar’s academic and work credentials by the US authorities is the prescription of evil that dooms us all.Particularly those who want to inform the public of the truth of the ET alien presence on the planet. This man Lazar has suffered so much for his integrity and belief in humanity.

May 29, 2015 · BOB LAZAR. The uncomfortable possibility of truth. by Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell. PART I. It’s time to shake things up, press the red button and initiate the launch sequence. Keeping it real just came back in style, and Ufology is due for a proper makeover. I used to believe that Bob Lazar's story was a fabrication. Bob Lazar. Claimed he was a physicist hired by the Majestic 12 to reverse engineer alien propulsion technology at Area 51 back in 1989. At the time of his "disclosure" Element 115 was still undiscovered, Bob Lazar claimed this Element had a stable isotope which was the key to alien antigravity technology.

Jan 09, 2019 · Bob Lazar, who claimed in 1989 he reversed engineered an alien spacecraft in secret a government project, says he spoke out because he feared for his life. Larry King Talks with Jeremy Corbell On

Jun 28, 2019 · Bob Lazar once made a bus trip to Cambridge Mass. and paid a visit to the MIT campus, wandered around some hallways, poked his nose into a few classes and sat in on a lecture for a little while before he left the hall when challenged, making some No professors at MIT remember Bob Lazar or have any photos of him, nor are there records for him attending. [12] Physicist Dr. David L. Morgan says that he has scientifically refuted most of the ideas that Lazar had elaborated on in his description of the alien spacecraft, particularly its propulsion systems and use of [13] Jun 28, 2019 · As I hope I conveyed through this article, I saw the Bob Lazar story as interesting but flawed. Then, on June 20, 2019, Lazar appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast along with filmmaker Jeremy Corbell. Lazar is the subject of Corbell’s 2018 documentary Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers. By the time he appeared on Rogan I had already seen the Robert "Bob" Lazar (born January 26, 1959) is a controversial individual who claims qualifications as a scientist and engineer and alleged that he worked with extraterrestrial technology at a site called S4 near the Area 51 test facility. The Bob Lazar story can be summed up best with 2 general opposing set of observations. 1. Everyone involved seemed to be telling the story truthfully to the best of their ability. The one exception seemed to be the claim by Lazar that he had 2 Masters degrees, one from MIT and one from Cal Tech.